Decking Screws

Decking Screws Range Overview
We stock an extensive range of high performance decking screws manufactured directly for Scrooz. This is one of the most popular categories for us and we've sold in excess of 65 million decking screws that have screwed down 100s of thousands of hardwood and composite decking boards across Australia. We stock both stainless steel decking screws in 304 and 316 grades of stainless and carbon steel screws in galvanised and ceramic coated. In total we have 7 different styles available with a full range of decking screw countersink tools
All our deck screws are made to our own high performance specifications and we sweat the details. Some of the screws include features like torx head screws, screws that self drill and self countersink, merbau coloured decking screws with 2000hr salt spray testing. We specify high quality stainless steel for our screws and manufacture within fine tolerances. If you have any queries in regards to any of our ranges don't hesitate to get in contact with us, we know that choosing the right decking screw for your specific decking boards can sometimes be confusing, give us a call or send us an email through and any of our super friendly customer service staff will be able to help you
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Type of Deck Screws in this Range?
- Decking Screws - Razrdeck Stainless
- Decking Screws - Razrdeck Pro Stainless
- Decking Screws - Torx Self Drilling Stainless
- Decking Screws - Razrdeck Trimhead Stainless
- Decking Screws - Highload Ceramic Coated
- Decking Screws - Highload Ceramic Merbau Coloured
- Decking Screws - Razrtrim Trim Bugle Head Stainless
- Decking Screws - Composite Decking Screws
- Decking Screws - Metal Deck Screws
- Decking Screw Countersink Tools
Razr Decking Screws Stainless Steel
High performance stainless steel deck screws from our Razr self drilling timber range for trade professionals, deck builders and customers who require consistently high quality corrosion resistant fasteners and are fixing deck boards to hard or softwood joists. High quality Grade 304 stainless steel with clear passivation and lubrication coating for ease of driving and premium corrosion protection. Marine Grade 316 stainless also available for decks being built in highly corrosive areas such as directly over water or around saltwater pools etc.
Razr Deck Pro Stainless Screws
Razr deck Pro Deck Screws are a premium screw, engineered with standard shanks but small heads. They are designed to self drill and self embed into timber decking boards such as merbau and are equipped with every feature possible on a stainless steel decking screw to improve not only the strength and quality of the fix but also the speed in which you can install while offering a high quality visual appearance.
Torx Drive Self Drilling Deck Screws Stainless
High performance premium grade torx (star) drive decking screws from our Razr Deck range with a visually appealing Torx 20 star drive for a positive connection and preventing drive slip or tear out on installation. These high quality fasteners are are designed for professionals, deck builders and customers who require a high end consistent quality finish and aesthetically pleasing fastening solution at a great price.
Razr Trim Head Screws For Decks
High performance stainless steel trim head decking screws from our Razr self drilling timber range for trade professionals and deck builders. Reduced head diameter and fine shanks for unobtrusive surface or hidden side fixing. Consistent high quality corrosion resistant fasteners for fixing deck boards to hard or softwood joists.
Razr Deck Screw Highload Ceramic
Scrooz Razr Deck Highload decking screws are manufactured specifically for customers looking for a tough, cost effective solution with great anti-corrosion properties, they are made from high grade carbon steel which is case hardened and then coated in our rock hard multi-layer 'baked on' Screw Armour coating in an appealing silver finish, lasting well over 6 times longer than any galvanised finish and with twice the strength of stainless steel screws they are a 'fit and forget' fastener that won't snap or suffer driver tear-out, and you can use them anywhere in any timber including ACQ and CCA pressure treated wood.
Razr Highload Merbau
Scrooz Razr Deck HighLoad decking screws are manufactured specifically for customers looking for a tough, cost effective solution with great anti-corrosion properties, they are made from high grade carbon steel which is case hardened and then coated in our rock hard multi-layer 'baked on' Screw Armour coating in an appealing bronze finish to match your decking timber, lasting well over 6 times longer than any galvanised finish and with twice the strength of stainless steel screws they are a 'fit and forget' fastener that won't snap or suffer driver tear-out, and you can use them anywhere in any timber including ACQ and CCA pressure treated wood.
Composite Decking Screws
Composite deck screws are specifically designed to provide a clean, smooth, and uniform finish in composite decking when face-fixing through the top of the board, they are a drill and drive fastener requiring no pre-drilling or countersinking. Fixes without mushrooming the finish, a common problem when using countersunk screws with composite boards and man made boards.
Decking Screw General Features
Our deck screw ranges are designed to be used with an impact driver and electric or standard screw drivers and are available for use indoor or outdoor. Our highload ceramic deck screws are carbon steel and triple heat treated for extra strength with a square drive when using a hardwood joists, our composite decking screws also have these features but are manufactured specifically for use with composite deck boards. Our stainless steel decking screws are all highly specified and extremely well tested. All our screws are supplied with free screw driver bits to suit. Within the standard Razr Deck range there is also marine grade stainless steel available for any highly corrosive environments. Further product data can be found on each individual category page including technical documents, finish information and a broader overview of each screw product
- By Length
- Razr Decking Screws Pro Stainless
- Razr Decking Screws Stainless Steel
- Razr Decking Screws TorxDrive
- Razr Decking Screws TrimHead
- Razr Deck Screws Highload Ceramic
- Razr Decking Highload Screws Merbau
- RazrTrim Screws Stainless Steel
- Composite Decking Screws
- Metal Decking Screws
- Decking Countersink Tools